Sunday, September 27, 2009

Desire to write

While I was doing my Travel Writing hw, I got this strong feeling to write something. I couldn't control it. I just had to write. Yet, I don't write too many poems. I have poetry floating around in my head often, but I never lay it down. So I'll share my thoughts on my poem called "Waiting."


Love is an entity that taking me some time to reach. My mind is like a tree as it grows during the spring and dies during the winter. The season of winter has frosted and chilled my mind for far too long. My mind desires for spring showers to be absorbed by my intellect and reach for the skies.

My heart is like a treasure resting roughly away from the clutches of man-kind or any man waiting to explore the gold it possesses. It chills, alone, at the bottom of this wide ocean called life. It sits aching as it rusts away from its rescuer.

Time is against me as my mind and my heart pains from reaching its desires. Unnecessary distractions cloud any attempts of rescue as my soul waits in anguish.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Senior Year

School started Monday this week. Most of my classes aren't so bad. (Some require me to blog. Interesting...). I'm just amazed at how fast the years have gone by. I'm a senior now and I'm like whoa how did this happen so quickly. Freshman year really is one of the better years in college. I think it was all about experiencing so many new things with different people. But now, I'm used to everything. Nothing is really new anymore. I still love college though. I'm not ready for the real world yet. =(. Maybe I am, but I don't want it quite as yet. I wish I could be a professional student sometimes. I'm going to Grad school after this, but it won't be the same.

I'm going to have mad fun this year and I'm definitely not holding back. For everyone in college, especially seniors, do not hold back and do everything that you can now. Some of the opportunities open to us now won't be available later. College could be one of the best experiences of our lives. Or maybe life after college is even better. (Depending on some situations). All I know is that I got to take in every day one step at a time. Just breath and let life happen. Everything usually works out for the best.

Peace out.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why just one? And what?

As you can see, I don't have too many blogs here. I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head, but I just can't seem to get them out. Anyway, this summer I've been busy with an awesome internship and took a class for Spanish. I've tried to fit in fun here in there by going to summer BBQs and pushing the parental rules just a bit. Yet, I've made sooo much time for thinking. I've been a journalism major for three years, but not I realize that I've never considered what else was out there. There are so many amazing careers out there. I hate the fact that we just have to choose one. I love to write, but I realize that I've always had an interest in medicine that never went away. Now, I want to follow my medicine dreams and give it try. Medicine has always followed me since I was a kid. My mom's even a nurse. I guess it's in my blood. But, I'm not giving up on journalism completely. I just want to make sure medicine is the right career path for me. I've dreamed of helping people as a living; I just hope that whatever I try to do is the right path for me. For anyone else going through the same struggle or similar, good luck to you and more power to you. Have a great night.

Peace out


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Parent Trap

Parental problems never end. I'm 20 years old and I still get in trouble for coming in the house late. If my parents gave me the freedom to travel 6-7 hours to live upstate for school, then they should give me the same freedom down here. They worry too much about me.

My mother is the worst. She never thinks I'm telling her the truth when I'm out late. She's always thinking I'm out with a boy instead of who I say I'm with. After all these years of being a good child, I still get no trust. I gave them no back talk (Ok, maybe a little bit in high school), always did my school work, wasn't chilling on the street corner or anything like that. Yet, I still can't get my freedom. Obama opened the doors up for so many people, but I wished he could have opened up the front door for me to get out of this parental prison.

I probably should have told them exactly where I was that night (The Bronx). But I did tell someone in the house. So word should have gotten to them.

I know they're worried about me, but I just wish they would trust me more. I'm smart enough to handle my own. Seriously, if you can, go to a school far away from your parents or move out one day. You will appreciate the freedom so much.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just Starting

Hello everyone!

I'm new to this thing called blogging. I've always heard about it, but I never really knew what it was. I love to write, so I decided hey why not give it a try. So don't criticize this post too harshly. Lol. I'm just starting out. I can't wait to get started. Whoo hoo.